
TRAIN lecture

VPM will give a lecture for the TRAIN academy on 7th November 2019 at TWINCORE with the title „ Methods for successful project management – achieving project goals faster and more securer.”


Press release on the 12th International VPM Days 2019

On 12 and 13 September, the 12th International VPM Days took place at TWINCORE in Hannover. More than 20 international speakers and almost 100 visitors accepted the invitation of Vakzine Projekt Management GmbH (VPM).


priMe Consortium Kick-Off Meeting

From 28. to 29.11.2018, VPM organized a kick off meeting in Johannesburg, South Africa, for a pivotal VPM1002 phase III trial to be conducted in newborn infants in South Africa, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda and Gabon.


2018 PDA Europe Vaccines

VPM will speak during the 2018 PDA Europe Vaccines conference in Malaga, Spain that will take place from 24. to 25.04.2018.


EAU18 Copenhagen

Erste Ergebnisse der klinischen Phase I/II Studie zur Untersuchung des neuen Medikaments VPM1002BC werden auf dem internationalen Kongress der European Association of Urology 2018 in Kopenhagen, Dänemark vom 16.-20. März präsentiert.


CMV2017 in Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands

VPM will be present at the 6th International Congenital CMV Conference / 16th International CMV/betaherpesvirus Workshop in Noordwiijkerhout, the Netherlands from Mar 30 to May 4 2017.
